The Center brings together people, ideas and reasoning for social solidarity and the care of migrants with the methodology of ethnopsychiatry.
EPS extension
Improve the psychosocial well-being of unaccompanied minors
SOS Children Village Italy (Project Coordinator)
SOS Children's Villages Greece
Save the Children Sweden
War Child Holland (EN / NL)
SOS Children's Villages International
Refugees Welcome Italy
SOS Children's Villages, War Child Holland and Save the Children have joined forces to help therefugee childrento adequately cope withdifficulty, to manage their emotions and socialize
with other children, in order to prevent problems ofmental health.
Through the two-year project 'EPSUM -Improve the psychosocial well-being of unaccompanied minors', funded by the EU, selected professionals and volunteers in Italy, including the Penc Centre, Greece and Sweden will be trained and supported in order to integrate into existing services aimed at migrant children,the psychosocial intervention "TeamUp", developed by War Child Holland, Save the Children Netherlands and UNICEF Netherlands.
The Penc Center promotes the training course on"TeamUp" methodologyaimed at operators and professional profiles in the educational and psychosocial fields.
Operators will have the opportunity to experience laboratory and field training in order to increase the well-being of boys and girls, integrating the necessary psycho-social and specialist support into the reception services in which they live. Following the training, operators will have the opportunity to become TeamUp facilitators; they will learnoperational techniques and tools, theoretical and practical, to guide boys and girls, boys and girls,through games, playful sports and recreational activities, dance and body awareness exercises, which contribute to their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development