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All projects of the Centro Penc 
and our collaborations 

Centro Penc collaborates with various international organizations to implement projects with a high social impact.

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The WGSS -  Women and Girls Safe Space - is an experimental initiative supported by Unicef and the Guarantor for children and adolescents of the Municipality of Palermo, born after the 2020 lockdown period.

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AL HIMAYA - Free from violence.

Multi-action program for the enhancement and qualification of the response to violence against foreign minors a Catania, Messina, Palermo, Ragusa, Trapani


Casa Sicura

The objective of the LaCasaSicura project is to promote family foster care programs for unaccompanied foreign minors that facilitate their inclusion in the local social fabric. The practice of family foster care can come in support of the institutional reception system (community and SAI) which periodically finds itself in emergency conditions due to the absence of places, guaranteeing the best interests of the minor and avoiding the risk of territorial removal from the relational network built with difficulty


BUSY - Building capacities for Sicily

Busy is a capacity building project that aims to develop public administration skills relating to the reception, orientation and social inclusion of migrants in the Sicilian territory.

The project, coordinated by the ASP of Trapani, falls within the scope of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (Fami) of the Ministry of the Interior, co-financed by the European Union. The general objective is therefore to improve the levels of planning, management and provision of public and administrative services aimed at citizens of third countries


Co-funded by the European Union

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Improve the psychosocial well-being of unaccompanied minors


CARE: Community-Based Primary Prevention of GBV in Greece and Italy

The CARE project will be implemented by four civil society partners from Greece and Italy with expertisein women’s and girls’ empowerment to contribute towards the prevention of gender-based violence(GBV) against women and girls, with a focus on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

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STEP IN - Support Through Ethno-psychosocial approaches and PM+ for migrants è un progetto europeo avviato nel novembre 2022 co-finanziato dalla European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) nell’ambito del EU4Health Programme (EU4H-2021-PJ-07).

© 2020 by Centro Penc Anthropology and Geoclinical Psychology. Created with

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